Time to Choose
For most of my life I've struggled to envision the monarch's mindset embodied in the famous quote attributed to King Louis the XIV of France: "L'tat c'est moi". Loosely translated by Merriam-Webster as "I myself am the nation", it further translates as "If it's good for me, it's good for the country. If it's bad for me it's bad for the country." There are no other interests and so there can be no conflicts of interest.
My struggle is over: as President of the United States, Donald Trump gives me a living, breathing version of the monarch's mind in a seat of power.
It is often said America is a nation of laws, not men. Trump is forcing a test of that maxim and has brought us all to a time of choice and crisis. Do we stand with him and his cronies like Putin, or do we stand with our country. It's that simple.